Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link


  • Enrollment is now closed for 2024-2025.

  • There are a few select 2nd semester Dual Credit classes that will be open for enrollment in December.

  • Please visit us at our Open House March 25, 2025.

  • Pre-registration for 2025-2026 will begin in May.


The Lancaster Learning Link serves as an extension of your home school by providing academics that can be difficult to do individually in a home environment. We do this by linking you with instructors who have knowledge, experience, enthusiasm for teaching, and a dedication to applying their knowledge in a Christian context.

We are excited about beginning our twenty-second year of operation with the 2024-2025 school year and invite you, as junior and senior high students, to join us. We are not an accredited school. While we cannot award credit for high school classes taken, our teachers do provide sufficient academic instruction for your parents, the homeschooling teachers, to award a credit for each high school class you take. This instruction is provided through seventy-five minute classes attended once weekly and by homework done throughout the week.

The Link is indeed that, a link. We offer you the opportunity to connect with teachers in areas with which you need help, more inexpensively than by hiring a tutor. 

It is our desire to continue to have as our foundation for this endeavor the wisdom of our Lord. Please join us as we encourage everyone participating to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and righteousness.


Dual Credit Information

Dual Credit Information

How do I sign up?

Where does the Link meet?

How much does the Link Cost?

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Frequently Asked Questions
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