Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link

Ms. Ellie Palmer To All Instructors

Ellie Palmer has been a high school English teacher and a middle school language arts teacher for the past twenty years. She hails from C.O.R.E.  (Community Options for Resources in Education) a personalized learning  charter school in  Marysville, California, where she has facilitated home schooling parents and taught  English language arts and theater classes since 2003.  She is looking forward to giving each student at The Link individualized attention and  acknowledging the One who has given us all the longing and the gifts  to communicate!

Current Classes
Experiences in Writing Concordia ENG102 – Instructor (closed)
Intro to Literature Concordia ENG201 – Instructor (closed)
Intro to Music SCC MUSC1010 2nd SEMESTER ONLY – Instructor (canceled)
Intro to Music SCC MUSC1010 1st SEMESTER ONLY – Instructor (closed)