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Mr. Jake Winemiller To All Instructors

My name is Jake Winemiller, and I was a teacher in Lincoln Public Schools for almost 30 years. I taught Astronomy, Applied Physics, Differentiated Physics, and AP Physics. For over 30 years, my family and I have maintained a small manufacturing business (Nerds, Inc.) making science equipment. Much of my life has been involved with science and engineering. Some of my students are currently professionals involved in space and space flight.

As a teacher in LPS, I realized the necessity to homeschool my children. This is why we (my wife Sheila and I) home schooled our 3 children. We as a family are oriented to the Lord and try to study the Mind of Christ every day. We are appreciative of the problem-solving devices for life that the Lord has provided. God is amazing and His Truth is the one truth that never changes. His creation proclaims His glory, and I am excited to share this with my students in Astronomy.

This link is a video on my company’s website that gives insight to my philosophy of science teaching:

Current Classes
Astronomy with Lab – Instructor (closed)
Physics – Instructor (closed)
Physics Lab & Recitation – Instructor (closed)