Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link

Required Service Information

Service hours are a requirement for all Link families. Below are the descriptions of the various service positions that need to be filled for the smooth functioning of the Link day. Families are requested to sign up for hours according to the number of classes their students will be attending. You will be able to choose time slots that are most convenient for you on a first come, first served basis. We do ask that when on site, everyone reserve their cell phone use to emergency only.

As an aid to families that cannot make the time to serve, the Link can hire workers to complete your required responsibilities for you. The cost will be $25 per hour owed. If you desire to make a financial contribution in the place of your service commitment, please contact the Link board before the first day of class in August.

Because we cannot run the Link without the timely help from our families, those that fail to show up for their scheduled time will be charged a $50 fee. This charge will be added to the family's account on the website.

Please select your preferred service activities and times on the service chart. If something comes up and you need to see about switching responsibilities with another family, please use the family phone list to find the contact information for the other families. If you are unable to find a replacement, you may pay $25 in advance of your commitment, and we will hire student workers to complete your job. You must pay the $25 and notify the administrator by Sunday at 5pm before your volunteer commitment on Tuesday.

The formula for calculating the number of hours of your service commitment is:
  • 1/2 class taken (one semester only) = 1.5 hours
  • 1 class = 3 hours
  • 2 classes = 4 hours
  • 3 classes = 5 hours
  • 4 classes = 6 hours
  • 5+ classes = 7 hours
  • Chemistry lab/recitation and Physics lab/recitation are each considered a regular class b/c they meet every week
Job NameJob Description
Set UpThis position involves moving tables and chairs in most of the classrooms to accommodate our classes' needs. Because this is a big job, we ask that each family send two people. Dads are especially welcome as some of the tables and carts are very heavy. This job is from 7:00-8:00 am
Tear DownThis job is basically the opposite of Setup - we restore the classrooms to the host church's needs. We reset the furniture, tidy the bathrooms and vacuum the Floors in order to leave the church building as we found it. Again, we ask that each family contribute two helpers. Dads are especially welcome as some of the tables and carts are very heavy. This job is from 4:30 – 5:30pm.
Study Hall MonitorThis position involves monitoring the students in study hall to make sure they remain quiet and non-disruptive to their peers.
Hot Lunch HelperSet up, serve, clean up hot lunch. Arrive at 11:40 am
Lunch MonitorThe lunch monitor helps to set up for lunch and monitors students’ activity during lunch by walking around the facility and interacting with the students. At the end of lunch, the monitor wipes off tables, sweeps floors, and cleans microwaves. This job is from 11:50 am – 1 pm.
Parent/Teacher Conference HelperHelpers are responsible to ring the bell every 10 minutes, signaling the end of one meeting and the beginning of the next. They also keep the kitchen tidy during the teacher meal.
Ice Cream Social HelperSet up, serve, clean up Last Day of School Ice Cream Social (food will be provided)
Cookie MakerProvide 5 dozen cookies or bars for hot lunch (homemade or Eileen's). Bring to Link by 11:30 am