Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link

Pre-registration Form & Parent Contract 2024-2025

indicates a required answer

1. *

Primary Homeschooling Parent's Last Name

2. *

Primary Homeschooling Parent's First Name


Parent #2 Last Name


Parent #2 First Name

5. *

Student #1 Full Name


Student #2 Full Name


Student #3 Full Name


Student #4 Full Name


Student #5 Full Name

Fees for the 2024-2025 Link year

  • Due now: a nonrefundable family fee (insurance and website fees) for each family ($40).
  • Due now: a nonrefundable administrative fee (which covers facility costs and administrator's salary) for each student ($55 per student for pre-registrations completed/postmarked before July 1; $100 per student after July 1).
    • OR Due now: the nonrefundable administrative fee for students who will only be attending the Link for one semester to attend one or more single-semester dual credit classes is $25. Please note that only certain dual credit classes are one semester long. All other Link classes are a full year in length.
  • Due on the first day of first semester: the first half ($140 per student per class) of the annual tuition. *Please contact the Link board [email protected] before the first day of classes if you need to establish a payment plan without incuring late fees.
  • Due on the first day of second semester: the second half ($140 per student per class) of the annual tuition.
  • Due on the first day: additional lab fees as required by the teachers to cover their costs. *Please note that the Link does not supply textbooks or other materials. Each family is responsible to obtain these before the first class.
10. *

I understand that tuition does not include books, supplies, or teachers' copy fees. 

 (1 required)
11. *

I understand that the pre-registration fees are non-refundable.

 (1 required)
12. *

For those applying before July 1st: multiply the number of students by $55 to find the total student fee. Then add that number to the $40 family fee. The sum is your total pre-registration fee.

For those applying after July 1st: multiply the number of students by $100 to find the total student fee. Then add that number to the $40 family fee. The sum is your total pre-registration fee.

 (1 required)
I have sent my cash or check in the mail to: Jeanette Sorensen, 2900 Kucera Drive Lincoln, NE, 68502 I will use the online credit card option (3% processing fee will be applied)

Parent Contract

13. *

I have read and agree with the Statement of Faith.

 (1 required)
14. *

I have read and agree with the Guiding Principles.

 (1 required)
15. *

I have read and agree with the Guidelines and Expectations.

 (1 required)
16. *

I have read the Required Service Information, and I agree that my family will bless the Lancaster Learning Link community by fulfilling our obligations. I understand that sign-up for Required Service will open on the same day as class enrollment.

 (1 required)
17. *

After reading the foregoing documents, I understand and agree that:

 (12 required)
1. Our family is a good fit with the Learning Link. 2. I am responsible for my child’s work being completed in a timely manner.
3. Consistent failure to timely submit work may result in being asked to withdraw from a class. 4. I am responsible for my child being present and prompt for class.
5. I am responsible to discuss with my child's teacher any learning disabilities that he/she has. 6. I am responsible for quickly addressing my child’s behavior and attitude when necessary.
7. Link is not the insurer of my child’s safety. I must carry insurance for my child's injuries. 8. I am responsible to pay for the full year of classes & fees when they are due.
9. I may receive a full tuition refund less $45 drop fee for any class dropped before the 5th class 10. I will inform the Link of any drops via the website in order to order to receive the refund.
11. If tuition isn't paid or a payment plan established by 8/14/24, I'll be charged a $25 late fee. 12. If tuition or a plan isn't established by 8/21/24, my child may not attend classes at Link.
13. I will contact the Link board before the 1st day of classes if I need an alternate payment plan.
18. *

Each child who will be attending the Link has signed a Student Contract.

 (1 required)
19. *

Parent #1 digital signature. By entering my name below, I affirm that I have completed this form myself and that the answers are true and complete.

20. *

Date Signed


Parent #2 digital signature. By entering my name below, I affirm that I have completed this form myself and that the answers are true and complete.


Date Signed