Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link Lancaster Learning Link

Student Contract 2024-2025

indicates a required answer

1. *

Student First Name

2. *

Student Last Name

3. *

What is your parent's full name?

4. *

I have read and agree with the Statement of Faith.

 (1 required)
5. *

I have read and agree with the Guiding Principles.

 (1 required)
6. *

I have read and agree with the Guidelines and Expectations.

 (1 required)
7. *

After reading the foregoing documents, I understand that:

 (7 required)
1. Electronic devices can be disruptive and may not be used in class without teacher permission. 2. Electronic devices and cell phones are permitted during lunch and breaks between classes.
3. At all times during the Link day, screens are not to be shared with other students unless authorized by a teacher during class instruction. 4. Electronic devices will be confiscated until the end of the Link day if used inappropriately.
5. To maintain an atmosphere of learning, I will refrain from any flirtatious, boy/girl situations. 6. I may not invite other non-Link attending friends to the Link to socialize.
7. In the case of an absence, it is my responsibility to contact my teacher(s) to get assignments. 8. I may not bring alcohol, knives, or any other potentially dangerous item to the Link.
8. *

With the Lord’s help, I commit to the following:

 (11 required)
1. I will follow the Link’s Guiding Principles and the facility rules. 2. I will show respect for authority, for peers at the Link, and for the property of the church.
3. I will demonstrate moral purity by dressing modestly. 4. I will come to class on time and with my assignments completed.
5. I may be asked to withdraw if I consistently come to class late or with incomplete assignments. 6. I will be honest in my studies and will take all proctored tests under the guidance of a parent.
7. I will not copy answers from another student or from the teacher’s guide. 8. I will not leave belongings at the church.
9. I will be a giver and not a taker. 10. I will guard my tongue from profanity, obscenity, impurity, and hateful speech.
11. If I fail, I will accept the discipline and instruction of the Lord, my parents, and the Link.
9. *

By entering my name below, I affirm that I have completed this form myself and that the answers are true and complete.

10. *

Date Signed