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Mrs. Carla Harvey To All Instructors

Hello, my name is Carla Harvey. I grew up on a hog and crop farm three miles from where I am now raising my family. I left the small town and farm life two days after high school graduation with no desire to ever return to the rural setting. I moved to Lincoln, Nebraska and began volunteering with the inner-city ministry, City Impact. I went on to get my B.A. in Middle School Education with endorsements in English, history and social studies from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Upon graduation, I went on staff with City Impact and spent my summers in Watts, Los Angeles on staff with World Impact. I was captivated by life in the inner-city and began to pursue my masters in Racial Reconciliation and Cross-Cultural Ministries at Moody Bible Institute. Around this same time, a tall, dark haired Italian began to volunteer at City Impact and all my plans went south. He was headed to Zambia, Africa to minister with the Navigators. We became friends while training together for the Lincoln Marathon. After courting for six weeks (!!!), we were engaged and married four months later. With one year left at the UNL, Matthew attended school full-time and I taught English as a Second Language, U.S. government and algebra at Park Middle School in Lincoln. Through the course of his final year of school, Matthew began to feel led by the Lord to move to my family farm in Beatrice and farm with my family. This was not in my plans at all. Nonetheless, upon Matthew’s graduation from UNL we moved to Beatrice and began farming. Twenty years later, I find myself living on a 1500 head hog farm, mothering four teenagers, educating at home, gardening, quilting, running, leading three book clubs, baking cinnamon rolls for Farmer’s Markets and loving a farmer and electrical lineman employed at Norris Public Power. For the last six years, I have taught IEW courses to private homeschool classes. I love to express myself in writing and to instruct students in the style and structure of writing. My goal in teaching is to help students to use their minds to glorify God. “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Current Classes
English 2a – Instructor (closed)
English 2b – Instructor (closed)